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MuVie - Music for Visually Impaired 🔗
MuVie is transforming music education for the visually impaired through technology, creating accessible digital tools, cutting-edge methodologies, and a Braille music library. IN2 is proud to lead this European initiative, aiming to improve music learning with 5,000 Braille scores and AI-driven tools for easier navigation and instruction.
DDMATH - Digital Mathematics Education in Braille 🔗
The aim of DDMATH is to promote the use of new technologies to support blind students (from primary, secondary, integrated schools and special institutions) in order to improve their academic performance in science, in the classroom and in distance learning. In particular, the DDMATH project intends to develop teaching proposals and work strategies on various topics of accessible digital mathematics, as well as guidelines for teachers useful for the production of mathematics texts in digital Braille formats.
IN2 is bringing in this project its expertise in accessible document processing and will develop a variety of conversion modules and a digital service to produce mathematical texts in Braille.
ASSISTANT - Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to Navigate in Towns 🔗
This project developed a simple, but effective and robust technology to show elderly and users with special needs which vehicle to board, indicate the vehicle's arrival, and provide an alert when it is time to get off. The system included the capacity for detection and correction of any errors the user makes on a journey, and could be customised according to the precise needs and preferences of each user.
eACCESS+: the eAccessibility Network 🔗
We contributed with our expertise in media and document accessibility in developing the eAccess+ Hub and collected in one place all information related to accessible documents. To this extend we also liaised with traditional publishers and stakeholders advocating for web and document accessibility.
MOBILITY - mobile accessible floor plans 🔗
MOBILITY delivered a novel map annotation framework that allowed to enter annotations on top of existing map plans and contextualise them with assistive information. This framework was deployed at Frankfurt airport together with an enhanced indoor localisation technology based on WiFi signal strength and triangulation and a mobile application that converted map annotations into route information and presented it verbally to people with visual impairments. The project was coordinated by IN2 and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
IC-IC Enhancing interconnectivity through infoconnectivity 🔗
IC-IC aimed to develop an InfoConnectivity System, involving the airports of Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris & Vienna, related ground transport & airlines, representing both short- and long-distance transport. IN2 participated in the first half of the project and worked in the specifications and design of the system.
WearIT@Work 🔗
An FP6 Integrated project funded by the European Commission. In a take-up action we customised and extended wearable computing tools to help visualy impaired persons navigate in outdoor environments. Inspired by Zaphod Beeblebrox, a character of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams we designed an assistive audio menu and instructions to help navigate complex information spaces.