SERRATE - SustainablE RuRAl Tourism Engine
IN2 has been selected to participate in the the REACH, the “EuRopEAn incubator for trusted and secure data value Chains”. REACH supports experimentations on secure and trusted data value chains across several sectors and launching of new data-fuelled products and services to the market.
IN2 entered the incubation process with SERRATE, a solution to help drive the flow of tourists to less visited sites or locations (especially in the rural areas just outside the very popular destinations). Integrating data from different sources and sectors, SERRATE will enable an automated workflow: collect social media posts about a region, extract data features from these, match posts with an extendable knowledge base of stories, and reply on the same medium with highlighted stories that match the interest of the user. Manual human intervention will also be facilitated so that social media managers can control and tune the user/tourist experience.
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